Monday, July 23, 2018

The Fish Photo

I don't post a lot of fish photos on this website.  I would rather post pretty views of the lake, scenery and flowers.  But I feel a responsibility to post one every now and then - since this is a fishing community.

So, my buddy Sharon Seaton was going out fishing this morning with her husband.  I said, "Send me a photo of a fish."

This is what she sends me.

She labeled it, "Kentucky Lake's Eiffel Tower."  I usually avoid taking photos of these TVA towers on our Lake and frequently remove them with PhotoShop.  Not Sharon,  she just embraces them and tries to convince us they are Eiffel Towers. 
Not satisfied, I texted her back.  Thanked her and said, "fish" as a reminder of our original objective.
So she sends me this.

I like this much better.  Not only does it meet my annual quota for "fish photos" but I get to look at David Seaton's rather nice legs and the Eiffel Tower.